
Temple - Hair & Beauty

Temple provides outstanding salon and beauty services, taking a highly personalised approach to each and every client.


In 2016 Temple Hair and Beauty became proudly the first sustainable salon in Neutral Bay!

The salon signed up with the Sustainable Salons and started to recycle up to 95% of its waste.

  • Cut off clients’ hair supports charitable causes such as oil spill in Great Barrier Reef, local community gardens and wig making services for kids with leukemia or alopecia.
  • The salon’s metals such as foils, colour tubes, cans etc. are donated to not profit community based organisations that do a killer job helping people in need. Every dollar donated provides 2 meals to OZ Harvest.
  • Once our tools reach their end of life they are broken down and all valuable parts are re-purposed.
  • Any leftover hair colour are recycled into new liquids for beauty products.